Monday 23 June 2008

Last night ...

I met a friend from England who visits the town at least 3 - 4 times every year. I noticed that he had an all-inclusive bracelet on his arm. It was the only accommodation he could find in Agios Nikolaos from a travel agent in the U.K.

He doesn't like it.

He doesn't want it.

But that was the only option.

If you want the town full of low income tourism, go ahead. Keep encouraging all-inclusive. But don't complain when the shops all close. Don't complain when there are no restaurants. And don't complain when your children have no work in the coming years to support you, or the town.

My Greek friend who owns a shop said that it is the worst season he has ever had. His young son had just come from the frontisterio.

Let us hope that his father can still pay for his lessons next year.

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