Tuesday 1 July 2008


So the traders on Roussou Koundourou plan to play football in the streeet to show their disapproval of the new measures.

Grow up and stop behaving like small children.

The single biggest complaint by tourists who visit Agios Nikolaos is the noise from the constant "volta" by scooters, cars and motor cycles.

This measure will bring more visitors to your shops, not less.....

The shops should be asking for it to apply from April to October instead of this half hearted effort for 6 weeks in July and August. The majority of visitiors are low spending French and Itaklian and they don't care if it is noisy as long as it is cheap.

The British, Germans and Scandinavians (the ones with the money!) care a lot about the traffic noise.

You don't see many in the town these days do you?

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