Friday 11 July 2008

Local newspaper - comments

Interesting reading in the local papaer that there is a 100 place (free!) car park that no one uses. Amazing that people in the town will pay 500.00 euros for membership of a gym but cannot walk 400 metres from their car to go to a cafe. Perhaps some BIG signs to tell visitors entering the town and some marked parking places would make it more useful. I didn't even know it was there until I read the newspaper.

The tour guide who said that the prices were high in Agios Nikolaos is entitled to his opinion. It is a free country and a democratic one. What madness to try to find a policeman to be a witness and sue for defamation. It might have been a better idea to take the licence number of the bus and the name of the company that employed the guide. A word in the ear of the owner might make more difference. At least this highlights the fact that we need to re-market the town.

Why are we wasting our time and money on the "IRIS"? Who is interested in organic dyes for clothing. How many visitors does it get? Not a lot, you can bet. Another waste of time and money. It was closed for 2 years and no-one even noticed.

Bravo for the suggestion that we should make more of the (tenuous) connection with Nearchos. The plaque at the entrance to the marina is written in (ancient) Greek. A translation nearby in a few other languages might assist our visitors to see the connection with the great admiral.

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